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September is childhood Obesity awareness Month

During the month of September I will be featuring a series of articles on this topic. One out of every five children under twelve in the united states are overweight or obese. we all can do our part to avoid our children from being part of those statistics.

Education – If parents are educated on how to make healthier lifestyle changes they will have a better understanding of how to help their children lead healthy, pleased lives.

Awareness – parents need to be aware of the statistics and what can happen to their children’s health if they become a part of those statistics. parents need to know how essential it is to keep kids healthy. Our future depends on it!

Example – parents should lead by example. If we don’t eat healthy foods, offer healthy foods for our families and exercise what are we teaching our children? create a lifestyle that encourages your children to be healthy. instruct them the significance of healthy eating and exercise.

Pump it Up and the ad Council team Up in an effort to Curb childhood Obesity

When your child goes to a birthday party he typically brings home a “goodie bag.” many goodie bags from childrens’ parties are filled with high calorie, sugary treats. mothers who are concerned about their child‘s health are not going to appreciate the snacks in the bags.

Pump it Up, the nation’s largest franchise of indoor inflatable playgrounds has introduced fun goodie bags with out the high calorie treats. The new Goodie Bag was developed after Pump It Up commissioned brand marketing firm C|3 (Creative consumer Concepts) to identify what mothers and kids are really searching for in their goodie bags. As a result of comprehensive research, they found that while 90 percent of mothers view the goodie bag as a required element of a birthday party, it is also the most stressful part of throwing the celebration.

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“Each year, much more than six million children check out our stores for the supreme party experience, and the goodie bag is just the icing on the cake of a fun-filled day of bouncing, jumping, and sliding on our giant, colorful inflatables,” said Lee Knowlton, CEO and president of Pump It Up. “But we’ve learned that mothers are frustrated with the amount of candy and useless items kids bring home from birthday parties. Our new Goodie Bags not only promote physical activity among children, but they also eliminate the tension mothers face when trying to find cool, non-candy party favors to include in their child’s celebration.”

Included in these goodie bags are a roto launcher, sidewalk chalk and thunder sticks, and either a disc launcher or inflatable ball, depending on the franchise location. mothers are welcome to add other items of their choice. The launch of the health-conscious bags coincides with Pump It Up’s membership in the coalition for healthy Kids, a national campaign addressing childhood obesity in America . The campaign is spearheaded by the advertising Council, a non-profit organization that develops public service campaigns to address vital social issues.

“We appreciate Pump It Up’s involvement in our coalition for healthy children and we are thrilled about the opportunity to get the Coalition’s healthy lifestyle messages in front of their customers,” said Peggy Conlon, president and CEO of The advertising Council, Inc. “These goodie bags are a terrific and creative way to encourage kids to get an hour of physical activity each day and helps support our goal of addressing childhood obesity.”

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I was pleased to try these new goodie bags out with my 3 year old child and 4 and a half year old daughter. They delighted in playing with the toys and I think that these goodie bags are a neat concept. even though many mothers believe it is essential to give away goodie bags at their child’s birthday party, I stopped doing this once my second child was born. Goodie bags can get expensive and I would rather give children balloons, birthday hats and blowers.

If a parent insists on giving away goodies to party goers then the Pump it Up goodie bags will work out quite nicely. I also think that parents can desIGN Hasonló Goodie táskákkal, ha termékeket vásárol a helyi dolláráruházból. A szülők választhatják, hogy a cukros ételeket a születésnapi goodie táskákba helyezhetik -e vagy sem. Természetesen úgy döntök, hogy elhagyom őket.

Kiadja a Goodie táskákat gyermekének születésnapi partiján? Úgy döntne, hogy a szivattyúzáshoz hasonló Goodie táskákat ad ki, vagy cukros snackeket is tartalmaz?

Körülbelül szivattyúzni

Az aktív gyermekparti iparágban egyértelmű vezetője, a Pump It Up a nemzet legnagyobb franchise a beltéri felfújható játszóterekről, amelyek magánpartikra szakosodtak a születésnapokra, és más programok, például vállalati rendezvények, iskolai kirándulások, terepi kirándulások és egyéb rendezvények. A képzett személyzet felügyeleti, étel- és italgyártási és takarítási szolgáltatásokat kínál a vendégek számára. A szivattyúzás székhelye Tempe, AZ -ben található, az ország egészében több mint 160 helyszínen. A Pump It Up további információkért kérjük, olvassa el a webhelyet.

Beszélje meg ezt a fórumunkon

Link erre a bejegyzésre: pumpja és a hirdetési tanács csapata a gyermekkori elhízás megfékezésére irányuló erőfeszítéseket
A kapcsolódó “ingyenes” közoktatás 2019 -ben meredek költségeket okoz a szülőknek


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