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I wrote about this topic about a year ago and thought it was a good time for an update. Do you realize that about 50% of people have given up on their new Year’s Resolution by the middle of the year. és veled mi van? Did you set a goal that is strong enough and essential enough for you to stick with it? Or, are you letting other things get in the way. Are you letting yourself get lower and lower on your priority list? It is easy to do for so numerous mothers. I did it myself for a few years after my children were born.

An truthful self-assessment is a good place to start. how numerous of you know exactly what you want to achieve? Where are you now in your progress towards that goal? What is your plan to get from here to there? how numerous of you will work out for less or “good enough?” To be honest, I found myself there early this year. I was just settling for “so-so.” I had an injury last fall and put on weight over the holidays. I found it really challenging to motivate back to my former “best shape of my life” goals.

Luckily, early this spring, I made a change. I re-challenged myself to make sure that I was not going to work out for less that what I wanted or what I deserved. I reminded myself that a terrific way to re-spark my passion for fitness was to seek out people who can help. I happened to be invited to a site called It helped me get back on track in terms of diet and nutrition.

Related  weekend Reflection

For exercise, I found another season of The most significant Loser as ideal inspiration. The most significant Loser folks always inspire me with their will and their drive to succeed. Mi inspirál téged? seek out people who are better than you, fitter than you, stronger than you (this can be emotionally or physically). For example, keep an open mind and learn from others. These people may be a your neighbor, someone at your gym, someone you meet online or even an instructor on a DVD.

You might find being exposed to exceptional discipline and fitness levels will drive you to work harder than you thought possible. In time you’ll conquer your self-imposed limitations and make progress you didn’t think was possible. My challenge to you for this week is to find someone who inspires you to meet your fitness goals.

If your personal fitness is essential to you, work as hard as you possibly can. It won’t be easy, it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. Today, I am serving as your personal cheerleader. Yes, YOU! I know that YOU can do it! check back and let me know how it goes.

– All the best in health and FitnessCoach Jenn of and totally free fitness coaching at team Beachbody too.

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