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Founder and CEO of thinkThin®, Lizanne Falsetto, is passionate about wellness. She had a successful occupation in the fashion industry which led her to work and live all over the world including, Japan, Paris, Milan, new York, Australia and Madrid. Her experience taught her how crucial nutrition was to health.

“I lived overseas as an international model for 14 years,” Lizanne told The healthy mommies Magazine, ” and when I came back to living full time in the US, I was really challenged to find nutritious food on the go – food that had good taste and quality. I started to make my own bars; stripped down, natural ingredients. keeping to what works best in my body, high protein, no sugar and gluten free.”

The all natural thinkThin® protein bars include these delicious flavors; chunky peanut butter, creamy peanut butter, brownie crunch, white chocolate, chocolate fudge, dark chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate espresso, tangerine cremesicle, cookies and cream, caramel fudge and lemon cream pie. They also have also have 7 crunch flavors; chocolate dipped mixed nuts, white chocolate dipped mixed nuts, caramel chocolate dipped mixed nuts, plain mixed nuts and the new FRUIT and NUT bar; blueberry and mixed nuts, cranberry apple and mixed nuts and cherry and mixed nuts. They also have four flavors of bites 100 calorie snack bars; toffee nut, dark chocolate, white chocolate raspberry and cookies and creme.

along with making healthy food for consumers and raising her two children, Lizanne is a passionate philanthropist dedicated to battling and creating awareness for diseases like obesity and diabetes. She raises awareness through participating in events that align with supporting a healthy lifestyle. recently thinkThin® attended the American Dietitic association food and nutrition expo. Her company also supports gluten complimentary expos on a local, regional and national level. Lizanne also held a wellness event supporting first lady Michelle Obama in her “Let’s Move” campaign.

Kapcsolódó alapvető módszerek a fehérje minden étkezésbe beépítésére

thinkThin® protein bars are delicious and make a terrific addition to any women’s diet especially active busy mommies like me. In buy to have the energy to take care of the people we love, we need to take care of ourselves first.

“It’s crucial to take care of your health because you are only given one life,” Lizanne explains, “I myself believe in living a long healthy life and having a positive mind and body. I want to be around to enjoy my kids grow up and experience life with them. At thinkThin®, we believe strongly in the premise of weight wellness. This is the optimal weight range at which our bodies feel delighted and healthy. This is not defined or dictated by aesthetic, shape, weight or tape measure – it is the physical and emotional outcome of feeling good, energized, funny, confident and living a life filled with happiness and laughter. once we focus on being healthy and happy, our bodies will follow and align.”

In buy to manage my weight and keep my metabolism going I eat small meals and healthy snacks every three hours. thinkThin® protein bars are the best mid morning snack for my busy lifestyle. I found that after eating one bar I stay full longer and have the energy I need to keep up with my kids especially my very active two-year-old. I will do my best to take Lizanne’s final words of recommendations to, “Don’t waste a minute – try and do it all! élj teljes életet; rich, varied, active and with interest and laughter surrounding family and friends.”

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thinkThin® protein bars can be purchased at these fine retailers:or online at

Healthy mommies magazine readers can enter to win a sampling of a variety of thinkThin® protein bars by leaving us a comment. All entries are required to like thinkThin® on Facebook and follow thinkThin® on Twitter. five winners will be chosen at random and win a prize from thinkThin® protein bars and The healthy mommies Magazine. This contest is open to us residents only and ends on November 1, 2011 at 8am PST.

For extra entries:Subscribe to our healthy Living Newsletter

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*Nyilvánosság: A ThinkThin® protein sávok mintacsomagját kaptam a Think Products -tól cserébe a felülvizsgálatért. Minden vélemény pontos és 100% -ban az enyém.

Cascia Talbert egy forgalmas blogger, kiadó, szabadúszó író, online kereskedő és öt gyermek anyja, akik a Csendes -óceán északnyugati részén élnek. B.A. A történelem és a törvény, valamint az egészséges írás és az egészséges maradás iránti szenvedélye 2007 -ben kezdte meg az Egészséges anyukák magazinját. Az Healthy Mommies magazin jelenleg a legnépszerűbb egészségügyi blog a Mommies számára, és számos egészségügyi szakértő író és anyu bloggert tartalmaz. Talbert asszony úgy véli, hogy ha az anyák jól képzettek az egészségügyi kérdésekben, és hogyan kell egészséges maradni, akkor ezeket az információkat gyermekeiknek továbbíthatják, és megfordíthatják a gyermekkori elhízási statisztikákat az Egyesült Államokban

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Talbert asszony kiemelt egészségügyi blogger a webhelyen, és cikkei az oldalon is megtalálhatók. A Ning egészséges anyukák közösségi hálózatát is vezeti, a Talbert Nutrition LLC marketing igazgatója, és az America’s Wellness Challenge közösségi média tanácsadó testületében szerepel. Kövesse őt a Google+ -on.

Link ehhez a bejegyzéshez: Thinkthin® protein bár-finom táplálkozás aktív életmódhoz (ajándék)


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